Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Growing pains

Growing pains have more meaning than they used to. As a kid I experienced growing pains. I even have little stretch marks on my legs to prove it. However this morning while finally deciding to clean and organize my closet I came to startling realization. Growing pains are not just in reference to the pain in my side as my abdomen increasingly becomes more and more round. Growing pains are looking at your cute little jacket with a three inch waist and realizing you are probably never going to fit back in that again. Now I am not sitting here feeling sorry for myself for two reasons. The first is that I know I very well could get my teeny figure back. More importantly however, the second means that if I do not I get to buy more clothes, and if I have a daughter she will love me for life with all the cute clothes I will be able to hand her way. I know I always loved raiding my mothers closet. OH wait....I still do! Wow, maybe I should raid hers again since I'm probably closer to her size now. Hmmm the possibilities. Praise God for growing pains!

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