Monday, February 1, 2010

Blob needs room

Until one reaches the point of having children I don't think having enough room is truly understood. When Sean and I were first married we lived in a little one bedroom apartment. It was a tight squeeze. After about a year we decided it was time to buy a home. In the beginning of our search we started pretty small. I remember looking at two bedroom 1300 sq ft homes. They were cute, but all I could ever think of is they were too small. Home after home our agent showed us and I repeated the same sentiments. It's really cute but I think we need bigger! We finally found our home. A 1850 sq ft, three bedroom, two bathroom home. It was perfect. It's amazing how fast life takes you on it's roller coaster. Within less than a year here we are with all the rooms filled. My father-in-law moved in and within just a couple of months our Beautiful Blob made his/her presence known. So here I am cleaning out the office to make room for Beautiful Blob.

Yesterday as Blob was stretching and kicking inside me as usual, my stomach began to ache. Nausea soon followed and I was feeling a little blue. After walking around and then trying to relax in hopes the discomfort would leave, I came to a realization. The baby, like his mother wanted a real estate upgrade. The stomach (apartment) was just too tight. I'm sorry I can't offer a 1200sq ft upgrade. However my Blob is a trooper and true to form he decided to do what he could about the situation. So he moved around furniture. However in this case it was my intestines. Thankfully today he seems to be content with his newly redecorated home and now I only have one thing to do, apply that stretch cream and make room for Blob.
See you soon little one!

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