Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The List

I had been warned by many a pregnant woman that the baby sucks out your brain. I had also laughed at this thinking how funny it was to phrase it this way. It is true! I lost my brain completely about a month ago. How do I deal with this? I make lists. Lot's and lot's of lists! I have a list for business, a list for a social calendar, and last but not least a list for every day activity. This is the list of lists! This is the list that gets me through my day without walking around asking everyone what I am supposed to be doing. This list keeps track of every half hour in a day and gives me an activity to be doing in that half hour. For instance at this half hour I am to be eating lunch and checking my Facebook. Check and Check! Did I mention I put a check box next to every activity so I can keep track of what I have accomplished? If you are ever curious about what you do in a day I fully recommend that you try this list. 12:30...What am I supposed to be doing? Oh, that's right I am supposed to be taking a short nap! This will be followed by 1:30 in which I will be folding my laundry! Yay! I have a purpose for the next hour!

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