Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sometimes we just need R & R

Any girl can relate to this one. At some point in our lives we just need a little reprieve from the insanity we call our lives. However I must admit that rampaging hormones seem to require this a little more often. You know how it always happens. It starts out with the average day dilemma. The dishes aren't clean. Dinner is 45 minutes behind schedule. Family is over at the house til the wee hours in the morning. None of these things are big deals, right? Yet, after about 100 of these little deals add up, we are ready to turn into basket cases. I don't mean those cute little fuzzy Easter ones with whiskers either. I am talking about completely frazzled baskets that have a growling button that is malfunctioning and roaring every three seconds. Now, let's put pregnancy hormones into the mix. This compounds the issue doesn't it? Minuscule issues that would not even have qualified as every day hassles suddenly become big deals. Now the moment we run out of Orange Juice we suddenly have a full blown roaring every second, eyes bulging, whiskers twitching, frazzled beyond hope basket. It's not my idea of a Happy Easter basket either! What do we do in such cases? We call mom of course! Sometimes we just need some rest and relaxation....

1 comment:

  1. :) Shauna, your descriptions are hilarious! I hope you are having a less frazzled day today.
