Wednesday, December 30, 2009


There are many things we take for granted in this World. One of which is the symmetry of our bodies. Our heads are so many inches above our shoulders and waists so many inches above our hips. So, you can imagine my astonishment when I awoke this morning with my stomach heavily leaning to the left. Until this point my newly protruding belly has been perfectly rounded in the middle. Not anymore! I am leaning to the left and very lopsided. :) I guess our little blob decided it would be funny to see how mommy would be able to walk with a leaning tower of belly! I love you Blob!

Monday, December 28, 2009

You're pregnant?!

When people do not know one is pregnant the reactions on weight gain can be pretty funny. On Christmas Eve I decided to wear one of my old sweater dresses. Obviously this choice of clothing was very snug fitting against my newly rounding figure. I had thought everyone in my family was aware of my condition. However as I was at the snack table devouring everything in sight one of my cousins overheard that I was pregnant. I laughed and held my belly winking at him saying, " The snacks are really good this year!" You could literally see the relief on his face as he said, " Well I had noticed you had gained quite a bit, but I wasn't going to say anything!" I love my family!

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Today as I was trying to take part in a serious conversation I burst into laughter. Why you may wonder was I laughing? Our beautiful blob decided to start kicking me like crazy today. Apparently I am just as ticklish on the inside of my stomach as my outside. It would seem they found my ticklish spot and decided to kick it over and over again! I had to profusely apologize through out the conversation with sincere assurances that I was not laughing at the topic on hand. The topic was heart attacks...... I can not help but imagine myself in even more inopportune circumstances and am hoping the next time this happens I will be able to control myself or at least leave for a few moments until I can control myself better. I had the most amazing craving today for a Bacon Cheeseburger. Sean was kind enough to take me to Jeff's Cattle Co. for a big juicy burger. It was heaven on a bun! IN conclusion I have learned to things today about our little blob. Firstly they like burgers. Smart kid! Finally, they enjoy a good laugh, especially at mom's expense. Definitely a Kittrell/Poole!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Baby Kung Fu

The baby started kicking about three days ago! I can't believe how amazing it is feel our beautiful blob moving around inside me. It is just a very slight tapping feeling right now. It feels kinda like someone is tapping their finger on the inside of my stomach....or leg! HA The baby was going absolutely berserk yesterday. I am beginning to think our beautiful blob is practicing Kung Fu or maybe Irish dancing in there! I get my sonogram in about 4 weeks so I guess we will find out then!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dr. Mc Callum

Wow! I really like my OB doctor. I think she is probably one of the first doctors I've been to who actually has a personality. It was so refreshing! I also learned lot's of interesting things today. She thinks I will be able to have a natural birth which is unlike what all my doctors had been telling me since I was about 16. YAY! She also let me know that because of my height and size I will be carrying our beautiful blob straight in front of me. HA! I already guessed that with my already expanding girth! I heard the heartbeat today. 160 beats per minute! Our beautiful blob is very strong!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hormones and mood swings

Last night I was listening to Christmas Carols when I suddenly burst into tears. Today I became very frustrated and retreated to the office so I would refrain from talking to anyone until my hormones leveled out. These mood swings are so new and strange. I do my best to not let them effect anyone but myself. This can be hard at times, but thus far I have been fairly successful. Half the time I go into one I have no idea what started it never mind the reasoning behind it. Lord I pray for understanding from all my loved ones so that I still have friends and family by the time our little blob comes into the world.

Nausea gone!

This is the 5th day in a row I have awakened without nausea! I am totally loving this second trimester. Last night Sean and I decorated the tree and talked about how we wanted to change things in the house. It was so nice to have him on the same page. It's always easier for the woman to think of things for the baby because the baby is growing inside her. Today I can feel a real hankering for cleaning coming on. So, I am certain today will be all about cleaning and organizing. I just pray I get everything done before our beautiful blob get's here.

Monday, December 7, 2009

13 weeks

This is now week thirteen of our pregnancy. I woke up two mornings ago without any nausea. Yay! This has continued into today. I am still very tired. In fact I have been taking a nap everyday for the past month. I certainly hope that I will have some more energy in the near future. My appetite has increased by a shocking amount in the last few weeks. I often find myself waking up in the middle of the night with extreme hunger pains. At least this means I will probably start gaining weight! According to the doctor our Beautiful Blob is about the size of a lime right now, just over 2.5 inches. My waist line has all but completely disappeared. What was once 24 inches is now 31!